


Challenge starts 11th September 2023


Challenge starts 11th September 2023 〰️

Do you feel frustrated that you've tried getting in your best shape before, but nothing has worked?🙈


are you struggling with any of these things?

  • You feel lost as you're struggling with direction and motivation to train

  • You're unhappy with how you look and feel in your clothes and your clothes feel tight

  • You lack confidence in yourself - unsure how to achieve your goals

  • You are not consistent when it comes to your nutrition and training

  • You're training but not seeing any results

  • You are sick of starting every Monday….

  • You want to stop your endless yo yo diets.


 I UNDERSTAND HOW YOU FEEL…I have been there before


Don’t worry! 🙌🏽

If you answered yes to any of the above, then this challenge will help you break through and achieve what you thought was impossible!

I’ve helped hundreds of busy professionals to not only lose body fat and build lean muscle but to actually keep it off, develop new healthy habits, transform their body confidence, their energy levels - and ultimately transform their life!

now is your chance to take charge of your very own fitness and change your life - just like these people!

Its cheaper than having a coffee daily, for £4.35 a day, you can get results like this as well.


here’s a QUESTION:

Do you know The problem with most fitness plans & programs, diets and challenges? 

They don't teach you how to sustain your results - so you end up gaining all your weight back!

This is why I've created the 8 Week challenge with Chita - to help people just like you to create the best version of themselves and to maintain your results in the long-term.


challenge With Chita

here are some of the life-changing results you can achieve with the 8 week challenge with Chita:



HI, I'M Chita

I've been a coach for over three years, helping people just like you to become the best versions of themselves. Over the years, the more people I helped - the bigger my passion grew!

I believe that anyone can achieve their best results and enjoy the benefits of a fit and healthy lifestyle, no matter your age, gender or profession. Today is the day for you to make a change - and let me show you how you can achieve a life-changing body transformation.

Are you ready to achieve your best results yet? 💪🏽

This challenge is for you if:

  • You've tried getting in great shape but haven't got the results you really wanted

  • You want to have more motivation and daily accountability so you can lose body fat and lose at least a dress size

  • You'd like help to build lasting lifestyle habits that will sustain your new body

  • You're ready to put in the work and are willing to commit to this program to create the BEST version of you - and achieve your best results!

This challenge is not for you if:

  • If you are after a quick fix

  • If you are not willing to commit 

  • If you aren't prepared to become self-motivated

  • If you are happy to stay the same

  • If you are going to make excuses for yourself

don’t just take my word for it!

Here's what my clients are saying about the challenge 👊🏻


And what are the BENEFITS?

Here are some of the BENEFITS OF THE 8 week challenge with chita:

Lose body fat, ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM body & create the ultimate version of yourself

lose belly fat and tone your body

Develop unstoppable confidence as you take back control of your body



Have more energy, excitement and drive in your new body


why join the 8 week challenge with chita? 


YOU WILL ACHIEVE RESULTS THAT YOU DIDN'T THINK WERE POSSIBLE in a short space of time, whilst creating a new level of accountability!

  • You're going to create the best version of yourself - and results that you never thought were possible

  • You're going to create lasting habits that will enable you to sustain your new physique for the rest of your life

  • You're going to be guided by Chita every day

  • You'll have the chance to work 1-1 with me once the challenge has finished

  • You'll see your body confidence skyrocket, which will have the most positive effect on the rest of your life

  • You will learn how to eat the foods you love, how to eat out and STILL see results!


8 week

challenge with


Here’s what you’ll receive: 

workouts which you can do from home in your own time

daily accountability with your steps and food in the facebook group to maintain consistency

Personalised calorie target - just for you

support from others in the facebook group where you can share food and recipe ideas to keep you motivated (see below)

Weekly check in to see progress happening

LIVE HIIT workout on zoom and educational webinars

sign up by clicking the button below!  sign up by clicking the button below!  sign up by clicking the button below!  sign up by clicking the button below!  sign up by clicking the button below!     

8 week challenge

only £249 for the full 8 weeks


  • If you are someone who needs daily accountability, someone to check your food daily, to give you workouts to follow, to give you recipes and then you get the results you deserve, then this challenge is for you!

  • No, I don't give a set meal plan as my aim is to educate you about nutrition. This means no foods are restricted - you get to chose the foods that are best for you.

    When I have given a plan in the past, people will worry when they eat "off plan". Meal plans are not that useful or sustainable, because what do you do when you go out for dinner? You can't live your life on a meal plan.

    I will give plenty of recipe ideas and I will encourage everyone to share their food in the group for more ideas.

    You can eat 2/3/4/5/6 meals a day! The great thing about the challenge is we make it work around your lifestyle.

  • The workouts are optional and these are a video format you can follow in your own time in the comfort of your home.
    You can do as much or as little of the videos as you like, ranging from 10-30 minutes. There will be 2 resistance based workouts (using resistance bands) or you could add weights to these if you have them.

    There will be 1 HIIT workout a week.

    Each workout has a video which means you will be virtually working out with me. These are around 30-40 minutes in total but you could break it up to 10 minutes a day if that suits your lifestyle better.

    Every other week we will do a group live HIIT workout via zoom, everyone so far has loved these!

  • Yes, see above

  • Yes!

    I am vegetarian so I can help as much as possible and in our previous groups we have had members who follow a plant based/vegan diet and seen excellent results (check out the results section).

  • This varies from person to person and can depend on a number of factors.

    Previous members have lost up to 8kg.

    We like to focus on other factors as well as weight eg losing a dress size, losing body fat (tummy area), feeling fit and healthy. Previous ladies have lost up to 2 dress sizes from following everything in the challenge*

  • I will be honest, most people are really busy, it is life!

    This challenge has been designed to fit around busy peoples lives. We have had some members in the previous groups just focus on nutrition and steps and they have seen great results. As it is a small group, we tackle this together. I always ask everyone to plan their schedule for the week and to add it into the group on Sunday night. If anyone struggles I will always give advice on how to fit things in.

    You can split the workouts down into smaller sections if that fits in with your lifestyle.

    If it makes you look and feel amazing, you know you will make it work.

  • From experience, clients said they saved money on their food because they were having fewer takeaways and not buying lots of snacks on offer etc.

    Supplements are optional and I always suggest cost-effective ones which are still great.

  • All of the workouts can be completed from home with the use of resistance bands. All of the previous challenges, the members have worked out from home and seen great results.

  • The 8 week challenge covers everything from nutrition to workouts to much more!

    It is run on a Facebook group of up to 20 people to ensure I can help you as much as possible. I will personally calculate your calories for you to hit daily.

    Each day I will ask you to let me know about your step count, water intake and nutrition as well as any workouts completed. This means you get daily accountability and feedback from me for the full 8 weeks! We also have a weekly check in process to make sure your progress is going in the right direction.

    I aim to educate you as much as possible so you understand nutrition and exercise as much as possible to ensure this becomes a lifestyle change. We do this with our webinars. We also have LIVE HIIT workouts every other week to make sure I can push you in YOUR workout as much as possible. Previous members have said it has been life-changing!

    You will definitely see results if you take on board all of the advice to keep you on track.

  • I can't comment on the other challenges out there, but what I can say is I keep this as a small group challenge (up to 15 people) so I can really give you the help and advice you need.

    You get daily accountability from me about food, workouts and your step target. I aim to educate you so you understand the importance of the above.

    The results from the challenge also show that this works.

  • Yes, lots!!!

    Each day I will check your food and see how you are getting on.

    Each week you will update your weight and photo update via email.

    You can ask questions in the Facebook group or in the LIVE webinars or HIIT workouts

  • After 8 weeks I feel people need a more personalised approach. You will see excellent results from this challenge, but after a while the body will benefit from more personalised workouts to get to your specific goal. You will lose weight, tone up, lose inches, lose a dress size, but if you wanted that extra bit more then we would need to look into other lifestyle factors eg sleep, stress, plan for your menstrual cycle etc. 


    I offer a 1-1 online coaching service after the 8 weeks and then members who have carried on to fine-tune their results have seen fantastic progress! Especially as they built a good solid foundation and great habits from the challenge which we then work on further.

  • Results will depend on your consistency and ability to take on board the advice given eg hitting your calorie target, step target and workouts.

    In previous groups members have lost 1-2- dress sizes, 8kg, 15cm around their waist. We don't just focus on the numbers, people have also become fitter, healthier, stronger and most importantly happier and more confident in their bodies.

  • Of course, the workouts are recorded videos so you are virtually doing them with me. I give options for beginners and more advanced options when needed.

  • Yes! You will get various options in the workouts from beginner to advanced

  • Yes! A personal trainer will give you great training sessions but what really gets results is everything outside those few hours, eg food, habits, mindset and motivation.

  • Click on the button at the bottom of the page


Your time is now! 

It's time to create the best version of you

My mission is to help you overcome your biggest challenges and help you build the strength and self-confidence that you've always wanted!

limited-time offer

the 8 week challenge normally only runs once a year…


There are limited spaces - so to make sure you don't miss out, sign-up by clicking the Join Now button below!


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